A new era of web application development

Let us create a progressive website and set yourself apart from the rest. Progressive web applications are an improvement on existing web technology.

In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, this technology is still new and rarely used, giving you a competitive advantage

Web application development

PWA methodology

  • Progressive

    Works for every device and user no matter the choice of browser or operating system.

  • Responsive

    Adapts to any computer, tablet or mobile phone resolution.

  • Connection-independent

    Javascript allows offline operation thanks to efficient use of caching and network communication scripting.

  • App-like

    Web application looks on a mobile device unrecognizable from a native mobile app.

  • Up-to-date

    Thanks to service workers the app syncs data in the background.

  • Secure

    Communication takes place only on an encrypted HTTPS port.

  • Traceable

    Thanks to adherence to W3C standards and SEO metadata.

  • Installable

    No need to download the app from the App Store or Google Play.

  • Accessible

    Easy to share via URL

Web application development


It always starts with you and brings the vision of the project.

Analysis and creating a price offer
Analysis and creating a price offer

Filling out a Kickoff Questionnaire on your side, based on which we will conduct a feasibility study and prepare a price offer and project schedule.

5. Development
5. Development

We will move the approved design to the development phase by our senior full-stack developer. We use SCRUM as our main development methodology.

Beta testing
Beta testing

In 90% of the development process you will receive the application from us for acceptance testing

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Free initial consultation
Free initial consultation

A meeting together where we will help you validate your idea and set its goals. Together we will describe the must-have and nice-to-have features.

Graphic Design
Graphic Design

Once the offer is approved, we will create a first-class graphic design by our renowned designer in the form of an interactive prototype. You can click through the prototype as a finished app.

Alpha Testing
Alpha Testing

In 80% of the development we start an internal alpha test, in which we check the quality of the app and fix any flaws.

Deployment and pilot launch

Deploy the app to the App Store and Google Play. During this phase you have hyper care from us and we fix the reported bugs within a few hours..

Maintenance and development
Maintenance and development

After the pilot launch,
we continue to take care of your app
in the form of security updates and possible development of further iterations.